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Year Four, Day 310, Pandemic Times Day 59: "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 46: Funerals, Murder Hornets and Happy Mother's Day!

Dear Friends: *

What a glorious Saturday! At least weather wise!  It was 86  degrees here in Vancouver. Tomorrow's forecast is for a high of 84 degrees.

How bittersweet. A sunny, warm Mother's Day during quarantine!

Our family has decided to visit my mother is shifts tomorrow.  My daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter and I will stop by in the morning. We plan on bringing lawn chairs, and visiting in the front yard; practicing proper social distancing of course!

Then my brother and his family will stop by in the afternoon.

I think the finest way to honor our mother's is to insure that they will be with us as long as possible!

One of the many anxieties during these pandemic times, is the fact that the virus targets the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions.  Of course, we never know how long we have with our loved ones, but I have heard heartbreaking stories of people watching their loved ones pass away on their cell phones, instead of holding their hands.

And many people do not have the option of being present at a funeral service because of social distance regulations.  So they are postponing the funeral, doing a viewing via Zoom or even a drive by funeral!

So much has changed in so little time.

It appears that even though many states are opening up, it is not life as before. There are many rules regarding social distancing and limitations on what businesses can open when.

And the virus is still raging on.  Numbers are still climbing.  But, of course, we do not really know the impact because not everyone has been tested. But the deaths are a good indicator.

Worldwide, their have been 280,443 deaths as of today.  This number has increased by 219 since yesterday.

I like the site.  It was created and is maintained by Avi Schiffman, a high school student in Washington state!  It is an incredible, and very accurate site.  I have clicked the button to "buy him cup of coffee" and thanked him for his efforts. You can find his site here:

And since I am supporting Avi, I became a member of Ko-fi, which is a fun website!

If you have enjoyed reading my blog, and want to show me some love, you can also buy me a cup of coffee!*

I have been writing this blog nearly every day for over four years. I may someday write a book with some of the material. Or just have a written record of my existence for my offspring. :)  I never considered making money with my blog. It is too raw!

But coffee?  I could always use a cup of coffee (or tea!) :)

On a more serious note, you need anything more to worry about, (besides those murder hornets!), there has been a development in children who come down with the coronavirus.  A small number have demonstrated symptoms of a mysterious illness called "pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome".  Several children have died. Three in NY, and one in the UK.  It is similar to Kawasaki disease or toxic shock syndrome.

The symptoms of this syndrome are:
  1.  Fever lasting more than 5 days
  2. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomiting
  3. Change in skin tone:  Pale, patchy or blue tinge
  4. Trouble breathing or breathing quickly
  5. Chest pain or racing pules
  6. Decreased urination
  7. Lethargy, irritability or confusion
  8.  Rash

I have a lot to pray about this Mother's Day Eve.  Including you, my friend. And the whole world.

Blessings to you and your loved ones, especially your mothers.

Talk to you tomorrow!




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