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Year Four, Day 320: Pandemic Times Day 69, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 56: Like a Germophobe

Good Evening Friends!

Good news for both Washington and Oregon! Clark County has been approved to apply for Phase 2 of re-opening! This includes beauty salons, barbershops and tattoo parlors. Restaurants can begin to re-open, but at less capacity. The article I read suggested 50%. I am sure these business will be inundated with rules and regulations.

All of Oregon will be open this week, if it is not already (my news source was confusing on the date). This includes Portland. Business that will be open are retail (not malls, only stand-alone stores), childcare, summer school and day camps.  Restaurants will need state permission before they open.

I am not sure I am ready to venture into any of these establishments, just yet. Still, I am happy for them. I am happy for us. Hope is among us!

I am still being cautious - watching the news, taking care of my health. Luckliy, I am able to work for home and work for my room and board by watching my granddaughter. I am not in a hurry to venture out quite yet, although I am getting restless. But I am working on self control in all things!

I am hoping to come out of this quarantine better and stronger. My mother has been walking in the park with the dog and I twice a week now. We have interesesting discussions as we walk. Today, we were talking about how some of the regulations for this virus are wise and should have always been implemented. For example Trimet now has dispensers for face masks and hand sanitizer at the bus stops.  And they are sanitizing the buses more frequently. They should keep doing this even when the threat has passed!  Of course, coronavirus may never leave us, like a drunk relative. Sorry, that was a weird analogy. It just popped out of my brain and landed on my screen!

Anyway, even if we do win the battle against covid-19, there will be more viruses. There will be more natural disasters.

This is planet earth after all. And we are mere mortals.  Just here temporarily.  In my opinion, anyway.

Speaking of which, I can't help but be fascinated with talk of an alien invasion.  I heard on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis last night that there were multiple reports of a UFO crash landing in Brazil recently and "strange beings" that the government shot at.

They are making a connection between an alien invasion and the pandemic.

We are living in a science fiction movie, right?

I like to hear all sides, but I stay planted firmly to the left of middle somewhere. With my face mask on in public places, carefully keeping my distance, trying not to touch my face, exercising daily and eating pretty dang health. Oh and washing my hands like Howie Mandel. Sorry, that was rude.  Perhaps I should say washing my hands like a germophobe?

On that note, I am needed upstairs to babysit my granddaughter.

I wish you a lovely evening, of peace, good health and happiness!

Talk to you tomorrow!


P.S. I also hooped today! :)


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