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Year Four, Day 314: Pandemic Times Day 63, "Stay Home - Stay Safe" Day 50: And Now I Bird

Note: I love blogging! It keeps me sane! I've been sharing my life with my readers for nearly 5 years now! And during these pandemic times, I've been giving video updates everyday!  I hope to someday turn my writing into a book of some sort! If you have enjoyed reading this blog, please show me some support by clicking on the button and buying me a cup of coffee! And please feel free to share this blog! :)

Good Evening Friends!

It's crazy weather outside! I got caught in a horrendous downpour at the end of my pandemic video today. As I type this, water is dripping from my hair.


50 days! 

Here in Washington, most of us have stayed home for 50 days!

I have been giving updates on my YouTube channel every day for this time.  I mostly have only left the house in the morning, to walk the dog in the park, and in the afternoon to do my pandemic video.

I have made a few trips to the grocery store, and a couple of visits to my parents.

All the while practice proper social distancing and sensible hygiene.

Time does pass.

Some positives I have noticed:
  1. Better cooking skills. Today, I made the most supreme batch of keto pita bread.  I adapted this recipe: that I shared on Monday. This time, I didn't use exact measurements, but I increased the mozzarella and almond flour and decreased the baking powder. I also just plopped the dough down with a big spoon on a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper instead of rolling the dough into balls and flattening. Seriously, dudes, these can rival "real" pita bread made with flour and yeast!
  2. I have acquired a new hobby:  Birdwatching! I ordered some binoculars, a birds of the PNW identification  poster, and a book on birding (Sibley's Birding Basics, by David Allen Sibley)
  3. Better health. I am still working on weight loss, but I am heating healthier and walking daily.
  4. More mindful. I am not racing around like a headless chicken anymore.  So I am appreciating the moment. Especially time spent with my adorable 2 1/2 year old granddaughter.

Some unfortunate negatives:
  1. Missing my grandson, who lives in Gresham with his mom and other grandma.
  2. Missing visits with my son, who is in a minimum security prison in Portland. Oregon prisons have been on lock down for nearly 2 months.
  3. Missing my gym workouts.
  4. Missing weekly breakfasts at local restaurants with my mom.
  5. Missing hanging out and reading at Starbucks.
  6. Missing my students at the music center.
  7. Missing attending church services.
  8. Missing my library time!

But this is temporary. Oregon is starting to open up, county by county. Timberline is opening this Friday, with increased regulations.

There is much talk about a second wave in the fall or early winter. But we are experienced at lockdown now, right?

And hopefully a vaccine will be available by then. 

I know testing is ramping up. And states are preparing pretty thorough contact tracing. As for me, I am continuing to cook, teach piano, care for my granddaughter, walk the dog, and now watch the birds!

Keto Pita Bread - Best batch yet!

My first meal today: Keto pita bread, homemade hummus, potato cake, feta cheese, kalamata olives, cucumber salad and mandarine oranges.

We humans are a resilient species!

On that note, I need to go make my nightly healing broth!

Talk to you tomorrow!



Below, is the link to the article regarding the child that was hospitalized in Portland, Oregon with the covid-19 related pediatric syndrome.


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