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Year Four, Day 272: A Scarf for My Father, Indian Butter Chicken and Coffee Walking

Good Day, Friends!

Oh, but it is a glorious fall day, indeed! This will be a short bit of a check-in. I am wanting to get outside and soak up that sunshine and crisp fall air before my students.

Much good news to report, even though it will brief!

First of all, I finished knitting my father's prayer scarf. It is my first attempt at a scarf.  A tad rough, but I prayed for him with every stitch. He suffered a stroke about five years ago and then as he was recuperating, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. My mother, a retired RN, is his caregiver. She takes excellent care of him, but I'm not sure how much longer he will be with us. So I am going to give it to him this Thursday.  

Prayer Scarf for my Father

Speaking of my mother, we are cutting back on our breakfasts in a restaurant. It is getting just too spendy. This morning she picked me up bright and early, at 6:30 a.m. It was too dark yet for our walk, so we drove through McDonald's. I ordered a large coffee, black. Luckily I had planned enough ahead to make some keto muffins. So I toasted one and wrapped it in foil and stuck it in my purse.  It turned out that my McDonald's app had buy one breakfast sandwich, get one a penny.

That I could afford! I tossed the buns and put the egg and meat on my keto muffin and sipped piping hot coffee as my mother drove to the nearby running track.

It was still too dark when we arrived. We are both super cautious these days. This particular track was in the news recently, when a woman was assaulted by a man after she told him to keep his social distance. 

I wished I had planned enough ahead to bring my batlight.  

So we sat and talked as I sipped my bitter brew.

Finally she said she was ready, it was getting light, I told her I hadn't finished my coffee.

She looked at me with one raised eyebrow, like Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson and said,

"Well bring it with you, then!"

Can't say no to that look. So I did.

And I made a new discovery!


It gave me a bit of a turbo charge. I could have walked for miles, but I did 3 brisk laps since my mom was already heading to the truck. We both felt so good afterwards, we decided to do this once a week!

Coffee Walking!

So, about that butter chicken. OMGoodness so good! The sauce was to die far. My daughter put hers over rice. Even my granddaughter ate it up, saying "Nummy, nummy", with practically every  bite!

(I was surprised. She's 3. And there is curry, ginger, garlic and garam masala in it!)

Indian Butter Chicken

So today has been a very good day so far. 

And it should get better because I'm heading over the river to visit my man after I'm done teaching.

I hope you are having a good day too!

Happy Tuesday!

Talk to you tomorrow.



PS Here is today's hooping video. At 6:00 a.m. Day 279!


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