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Year Four, Day 273: This Has Nothing to Do With Belly Fat!

 Good Evening Friends:

A quick check in today. I just wanted to share a proud Teacher Zita victory. This has nothing to do with belly fat.

It has all to do with my wonderful piano students!  I held my first ever Zoom piano performance class for four of my more advanced students. They are in middle school and high school. Most have been with me for all of their musical education, up to 9 years!

I am so glad I invited this group for my pilot class.  They are all so comfortable with me and they got to meet each other. I'm sure they recognize each other from our biyearly recitals, but this was a nice, informal way for them to meet and hear each other play.

It went off without a hitch! Well aside for some unavoidable technical issues. One of my students needs new equipment. She played beautifully, but to the rest of us it sounded like underwater music.

I plan on holding these classes once a month, but I enjoyed it so much (and so miss teaching live and in  groups), that I asked them if they would be interested in a weekly theory class.  Most of them said yes, tentatively. One of them, who is in high school was most enthusiastic! I assured the reluctant ones it would be a short class, and promised to make it fun.

What a relief. I have been worried about this.  Now that the first one is down, the world is my oyster! (That is such a funny expression).

Speaking of shellfish, I had a lovely cashew shrimp dish for lunch with my man. And I did a very brave thing.

I ordered it without rice!

I want to toot my own horn, once again for sticking to keto. It seems to be the right way of eating for my lifestyle.

However, I did have a situation right before lunch. It might have been related to nerves and the fact I had been fasting for nearly 24 hours and not drinking enough water, or a combination of all of the above, but I had a pretty intense panic attack that felt like atrial fibrillation. Out of nowhere, as I was walking happily with my man, my heart started racing and I became short of breath and light-headed.  

We slowed our paced. I think I scared the man.  I did some slow breathing in my nose and out my mouth. I told him I was ok.

Well, ok, I displayed my inappropriate humor. I told him I'd led a good life and gave him the pin number to my phone so he could notify my family if I passed.

He was not amused. 

Luckily we were near a Starbucks. I ordered a matcha green tea latte and my heart quieted down. After I ate my lunch I felt almost normal. Well normal for me, that is!

I really need to make sure I get enough water. I think I read that on keto you need to get more as well. So a person that is intermittent fasting and doing keto should probably drink oodles of water!

Oh, and another interesting thing that happened. My man sent me home on Lyft. I had the most fascinating conversation with the driver.  It was like I was talking to the male version of myself. He told me he was very sensitive, and picked up on other people's feelings and would often adjust his behavior accordingly. He is going through a painful divorce and is in therapy. He was talking about all this when he paused and looked at me in the rear view mirror.

"I have abandonment issues", he said sadly.

"Me too!" I shrieked. 

We both had a lot of pain from our childhoods, mostly releated to our fathers. We both are in counseling and are highly sensitive and tend to over think. 

He also said he struggles a lot with shsne, guilt and low esteem. 

It was surreal. It was like meeting  my male doppelganger!

But seriously,  was so nice to hear a male perspective through the lens of our shared personality traits. I told him I was glad I didn't have an official diagnosis. He said he didn't either. I told him that it is because we are exceptional people that are devoted to self-examination and personal growth.

He liked that.  He then said something about how he cares about others and is overly giving, but has a hard to accepting love. I told him I did too! I also said he seemed very humble.

At which point he snickered and said, "I often think I am a narcissist who only tries to pretend to be humble so as not to offend others".

I thought that was hilarious. He then said his therapist says the fact that he even has this thought tells her he is not a narcissist. She then went on to list various people from the history of our planet who are classic narcissists,

I am probably not a narcissist. But I am awfully self absorbed. I mean I talk about my belly fat daily on a blog. Geesh!

Oh well, I talk about other things too.  One day, my belly will shrink enough that I no longer obsess on it. That will be the day!

Speaking of belly fat, I was unable to hoop this morning. Will get back on that tomorrow!

I hope you had a happy Wednesday.

Talk to you tomorrow!




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