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Year Four, Day 264: The Call of the Void

 "L'appel du vide (French: lit., "the call of the void"): The instinctive urge to jump from high places. "When you're walking on the edge of a cliff and you get a sudden urge to jump ... it is a very peculiar sensation. Most people have had this experience because it means a sudden sense that you cannot trust your own instincts."

Good Afternoon Friends!

Another glorious fall day here in the Couve. I am still feeling pretty fine!  I have made a few tweeks to my diet that I think have helped, in addition to my mindfulness and movement training.

I am still practicing intermittent fasting. Most days I do not eat anything after 2 p.m. I drink only water, tea and some night a shot of vodka before bed. My weight is stable, but I would like drop another 20 - 30 lbs.

I have noticed a trend that other intermittent fasters joke about. When the 2:00 hour approaches, I feel a bit panicky. I often have something sweet as a treat to hold me over until the next day. True confession here, I have been hiding boxes of Twinkies and Hostess Cupcakes in my room.  

I told myself they are for "emergencies", but most days I indulge.  And then within 30 minutes, I feel my energy crash. If time permits, I lay down for a brief nap before my afternoon teaching begins. But this is not little "shut my eyes for a little while". No! The minute I lay down, I pass out! 

Thankfully I have the forethought to set my alarm.  When it goes off 30 to 45 minutes later, I am often disoriented and very groggy. At that point I allow myself a Diet Coke to pick me up and get into Teacher Zita mode.

Yesterday, I got into warrior mode as I saw the 2:00 p.m. hour approach. I told myself no Twinkies today! I had a handful of trail mix - mostly nuts with a few bits of dark chocolate.

And I had no afternoon crash!  This morning I woke up clear headed!

I am going to attempt to seriously limit my carb intake from here forth. I am still on a cooking rampage. This morning I made a frittatta with mushrooms, spinach, onions, sweet peppers and fresh tomatoes topped with cheese. For lunch I had my amazing beef stew from yesterday. I made the decision to substitute turnips for the potatoes, making it a keto stew!

I tried keto about a year ago. But I found it difficult to stick to. 

I am good with intermittent fasting, but not ready to go full keto. I do better adding good food into my life, rather than telling myself what I can't have.

Well, I think I am going to nix the Twinkies and Hostess Cupcakes! Pretty much anything made with white flour and sugar. 

So I am going to focus on more low carb veggies, meat, nuts, beans and fruit.  

As long as I am feeling so good, I might as well lose this spare tire around my middle and look good too!

OK, enough about my battle of the bulge. About the quote up there...

I was reading a book in bed last night: A memoir called Mid-Life Ex-Wife by Stella Gray. It is laugh out loud amusing, but also painfully honest. I really resonate with the author in many ways.  But it is just dang entertaining!  And I learned a new word: Basorexia.  Which means "the sudden urge to kiss someone". 

Of course the first thing I did when I read it was text my man. He's back in Vegas again. He was sleeping, but this was the text he woke up to early this morning:

"I just learned a new word. "Basorexia: The sudden urge to kiss someone." That someone being you."

Followed by many little kissy faces. 

I was curious, so I Googled basorexia. And I discovered another word!  The one from the quote above. I found it on the site which talks about the book, 

The Book of Human Emotions: From Ambiguphobia to Umpty -- 154 Words from Around the World for How We Feel by Tiffany Watt Smith.  

I may have to buy this book!  However, I digress. The reason the words "L'appel du vide" (French for "the call of the void") jumped out at me is because I've experienced this. Many many times. I tell friends I have a fear of heights. I cannot walk to the edge of things.  Not so much a fear of falling, but a fearing of flinging myself out into the void! I did not know this was a thing!

So nice to know I share my phobias with other humans. See? We are not so different!

But now I need to end this post. I am going to fling myself out of here for a nice fall stroll through the park.

I wish you all love and peace.

Talk to you tomorrow!




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