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Year Four, Day 258: Thriving!

 Good Morning Friends!

I am still feeling fantastic. I even slept straight through the night last night. I would say like a baby, but if we were talking about my granddaughter, she never slept through the night. Now, as a three year-old she finally does. But that is because she no longer take naps.

Me? I take a nap every chance I can get!

I can't tell you how good it feels to open my eyes in the morning and realize I am ready to get up. I think I only hit the snooze alarm once!

I was able to get a morning hoop session in before the sunrise. And before my walk through the park, to catch the bus that would drop me off at the restaurant my mom and I have breakfast at twice a week.

I have started asking for a box with my order. I eat about half of my breakfast and take the rest home for my granddaughter.  She especially likes ham. So she got half of my ham steak this morning!

I feel I am onto somethings with my mental and emotional health. These are not new ideas But I am finally putting them into practice.

  1. Daily exercise. Mine is Qi Gong, weighted hooping and walking.  I do weights in the gym 1 - 2 days a week.
  2. Consistent sleep.  This has been my biggest challenge.  I have a weighted blanket, a CPAP machine and listen to Calmradio at night with nature sounds. But the key is to go to sleep when I feel really sleepy and not scroll mindlessly through social media. Also, not give in to worry or anxious thoughts.
  3. Recognize anxious thoughts right when they happen. Breathe, allow them to come. But do not respond. Just release.
  4. Stay busy. Teaching, paperwork, housework. I am also knitting again. For the past few years I have made homemade gifts for all my family for Christmas. Last year it was socks, the year before hats. This year I am making scarves. The knitting, I find is especially calming. I pray with most every stitch. Keeping my hands busy and my mind calm, while at the same time creating something for someone I love, is very therapeutic.


Here is one of my hats:

And here are two pairs of socks I made last year:

Here is a scarf I am working on:

And here is my hooping video for today;

To top off my happiness, my son just called from prison. He has met with his release counselor. He is on track, doing well, working and will be taking classes geared towards a smooth transition back into society.

I cannot wait for my son to be out!  

This year has had it's challenges, but we are survivors!

I hope you are all not only surviving, but thriving!

Peace and Joy and talk to you tomorrow!



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