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Year Three, Day 180: Hibernation

Most exhausted am I!

I am sitting in my library office. It is almost pitch black outside. At 5:18 p.m!

Still coughing.  But the wheeze seems to have subsided. Now my head hurts and I just want to lay down on the ground.

But I must keep going!  I have a concert to prepare for.  Thankfully my mother has Baby Gracie duty this week. I will not be going to Vancouver until Sunday. I miss my granddaughter, but I need to get healthy.

I had my tea with ginger and honey this morning. Then I went for my $8 or less lunch at a local Chinese restaurant. Had hot and sour soup, chicken with black bean garlic sauce and rice. And more tea.  Hot fluids do seem to help.

I am just putting one foot in front of the other.  I was very emotional about the latest shooting. I keep waiting for other shoe to drop, so to speak.

 I wonder if this is just how life is going to be for our this generation?  I don't see opposing parties coming to an agreement on how to prevent mass shootings. If they ever do reach a compromise, it will take much time to work out the logistics.

I am attempting to be more aware in my life. Not just play "Words with Friends" mindlessly while waiting for the bus.

But I think all this awareness is stressing me out.  Yesterday, I was feeling empowered and energized. But now, I just want to crawl in a cave and sleep for the winter. Bears have the right idea. Hibernating for the winter sounds like heaven!

I know that what we think about is who we are, so I am going just acknowledge that I am a bit under the weather today.  I am going to work on my recital program and then head to the gym and sit in the jacuzzi and sauna. And then back home to go to bed early.  Extra rest always helps.

I am attempting to put all my good life tools to work. I did my hoop workout this morning. It was raining, so it is a short workout.

Then I practiced my piano. I am paring down my concert material. I got really excited researching female composers, and put too many pieces in the program. Then I got overwhelmed.

So I took another look and took out the pieces that aren't quite prepared.  I will do another program in the spring!

I am calling this series "Piano for All". I am exploring female composers along with their male counterparts.   The upcoming program will feature Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann. Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin,  Maria Szymanowska, Blance Tice and Scott Joplin.  My spring program will feature Fanny Mendelssohn and Felix Mendelssohn.  I could probably do a whole program on them!

I wonder if my health will ever improve.  I am reluctant to go back to my MD. All he ever does is prescribed Prednisone.  He suggested a flu shot too.

I think I am going to continue to try home treatment. My daughter suggested looking into an alkaline diet. I have researched this before and I believe that I am too acidic. I do know I consume too much caffeine and sodium.  I feel like I need the caffeine to keep my energy up. And the sodium, well I have always craved salt and I justify to myself that the salt helps my throat.

But today my cough feels like it might be a nervous cough. Like acid is irritating it.

I found this poster on Dr. Axe's website. I have referred to Dr. Axe a lot over the years. It was on his site where I found out about taking ginseng and NAC for COPD. Which I do.

I am going to keep working on this.  I am a human project!

But now, I need to work on my program for my concert. And get some much needed rest.

Happy Wednesday!

Talk to you tomorrow!



P.S. Here is today's hooping video: Day 143!


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