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Year Three, Day 195: "G", The McDonald's Angel

My Thanksgiving was filled with so much joy. Yet it began with much trepidation!

As an introverted, slightly socially awkward person, holidays can fill me with a mixture of anxiety, guilt and happiness. I worry too much before hand, then feel guilty for not frolicking joyfully about, but then am happy for the time with family, food and then enormously relieved when it is all over.

Until the next year rolls around.

This year was different. Yes, I woke up filled with anxiety. But I then imagined my granddaughter. My role of grandma eases the pressure socially. I have a purpose. Guardian of Baby Gracie!

I also have a very successful morning routine of prayer, piano practice and hooping. Which I did. But I had a bit i3f a coughing spell last night. So after hooping, I took a brief nap before heading out. It helped.

My plan was to stop at McDonald's for coffee, Egg McMuffinless Muffin on a rice cake and hash brown. Then I would stop at the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house (homemade cream corn and gluten free rice stuffing with bacon and dried fruit).

But I lingered at McDonald's. Chatting with an angel of God.

Yes, I had an encounter with an angel. At the SE 82nd and Foster McDonald's. Who knew?

So. There I was. Happily sipping hot, black coffee. I had just put my egg, meat and cheese on a rice cake. I took out my phone to look up the recipes I saved. I got out own and paper to make a list. 

Then I heard a voice.

I looked up, in mid bite of my breakfast sandwich.

"You will never find true love if you're always looking at your phone", said a man two booths down.

He had on a cowboy hat and a big, brown, puffy coat. He had long, silver hair poking out from his hat. He was smiling, stirring his coffee. His eyes were blue like a still, tropical sea. I guessed him to be in his 70's.

I laughed. "My mother tells me the same thing", I said.

He smiled. We started talking about people missing out in the present moment.

 I put down my phone. Somehow the conversation shifted. We were talking about God. He said it was clear we are living in end times. I nodded. My daughter's father had just given me an earful the other night on this topic. But my daughter's father was focusing in doom, gloom and fear. I told him to listen to Clyde Lewis. That it is good to be aware, but not obsessed. Focus on God's love while being vigilant in order to save people if we were alive when sh*t hit the fan. My ex didn't buy it. His obsession is deep.

But today, in McDonald's this man was exuding love. He told me that sometimes he feels like God wants him to give someone a message.

"He has a message for you", he smiled. His blue eyes wrinkled. "He says he loves you deeply. And everything will be ok."

I got goosebumps. My angelic friend then told me how he found God 40 years ago, when he was 45. My brain did some quick math. He was 85!

He said he found a scripture which said to be still and pray. And ponder deeply the words he reads. He says he does this daily. He mediates on a scripture all day. And gives thanks for his life.

"I also listen to Clyde Lewis", he said.

I almost choked in my hash brown.

"I listen to him every night!" I mumbled. I had goosebumps on top of goosebumps. I had never met someone like me who listened to Clyde Lewis. And who had a deep prayer life. And read scripture daily. Who was this man?

 I found myself wishing I could sit with him and talk all afternoon. But I had creamed corn and rice stuffing to make.

I gulped down the last of coffee and walked over to his booth. I reached out my hand and clasped his hand in a gentle handshake.

His hand was warm. His skin dry and rough.

"My name is Zita", I said. "I have to go now, but I wanted to tell you I enjoyed our conversation and wish you a happy Thanksgiving".

He smiled. "Thank you. My name is 'G'.

We waved goodbye. I practically skipped across the street to Fred Meyer's.

And all day long, I felt his warm smile upon me. At dinner at my brother's house, at a get together at my son-in-law's sister's house and then later at a game night gathering at the neighbor's house next door to my daughter and son-in-law's home.

And I did not feel awkward much at all! I had my grandbaby to take care of and the blessing of "G", the McDonald's angel!

Speaking of Baby Gracie, she is finally sleeping. She is a very social girl. She thrived on all the love and attention she got today. But she resisted bedtime. I had to dance her to sleep. While playing her theme song, "Amazing Grace", sung in Cherokee by Walela.

I have learned to sleep when she sleeps.

And so, I wish you a pleasant evening. I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with live.

Talk to you tomorrow!




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