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Year Three, Day 196: Removing the Bah-Humbug

We had a lovely girls day off today! My son-in-law went hunting with his dad.  We had no plans, except for perhaps some laundry and cleaning.  Black Friday held no appeal for us!  Baby Gracie was up quite late after her very social Thanksgiving.  She didn't fall asleep until nearly midnight! She woke up a few times to nurse, and then she let us sleep until 10:00 a.m.!  It was so nice to have a whole day ahead of us with no specific plans!  We ended up planning a cleansing food day.  We went to the grocery store about noon.  The crowds had died down nicely by then.  I bought two shirts and a package of socks that were on clearance. And then we bought the makings of a big spinach, mushroom, olive salad, topped with feta cheese and leftover turkey. The dressing will be my daughter's homemade vinagraitte. I am salivating just thinking about it!

After the grocery store, we talked about stopping at Starbucks. We both had hangovers. Not from alcohol, mind you. Neither one of us drink. We had FOOD hangovers!  A nice hot cup of coffee sounded lovely.

But lo and behold, Fred Meyer's had free coffee and donuts for all it's customers today! So after we finished  shopping, we sat and had coffee. My daughter had donuts.  We chatted with some of the customers. Baby Gracie is a lovely conversation starter!

As we headed out to the car, my daughter said, "Look, Mom! The juice bar is open!"

She had been waiting expectantly for "Nektar" to open up. They had a sign up that it was their grand opening.

We headed across the street and shared a lime detox juice.  It was most refreshing!

Then we decided we would head home and grab a load of laundry.  Baby Gracie had fallen asleep in the baby pack at Fred Meyer. She continued to nap through the drive home and  to the laundromat.  I held her while my daughter put the clothes in the washer.  By the time it was time to put the clothes in the dryer, she had been sleeping for almost three hours.

My daughter was getting concerned. Gracie had sounded congested this morning. When she had her first cold a few weeks ago, she was very sleepy and lethargic.  My daughter was afraid she was getting sick again.  She took her to the bathroom to change her diaper. But she  fell right back to sleep. A very deep sleep. I put my wrist to her cheek. She  felt just slightly warm. She was sleeping so peacefully, her breathing deep and even.

I was thinking she was  just exhausted from her big day yesterday. But my daughter was worried.  She Googled "My three month old baby is sleeping too much."

I was a little worried. But mostly amused. My daughter, as a new mom often calls me and says, "Mom, I can't get anything done. Baby Gracie won't sleep!"

Now she was worried that she wouldn't wake up!

As the clothes finished drying, we walked to the thrift store next door. We bought a few books for Gracie, including 'Twas the Night Before Christmas." I can't wait to read it to her!

To be honest, I have never had much "Christmas spirit". At least, not for the shopping, ho-ho-hoing, and fa-la-laing. I mostly have been offended by the over commercialism.

But this year, I am feeling it!  It must be Baby Gracie. She has not only improved my social life, she has removed my Bah-Humbug!

After we packed up the clothes, we were starving. We had not really eaten anything all day, aside from coffee and juice at the juice bar (and donuts for my daughter). And here it was already 5:00!  We decided to have the salads at night with a movie and head to the little Thai restaurant near the laundromat for a bit of curry.

The minute we walked into the restaurant, the baby woke up! And she was in a great mood!

We had pumpkin chicken curry and shrimp salad rolls.  We are now doing some awake time activities with Gracie, including belly time  and story time. It would be good for her to go to bed about 9:00 p.m., so she doesn't wake us up at 2:00 a.m., all bright-eyed and busy tailed!

On that note, I am going to say good night.

Talk to you tomorrow!



P.S. I managed to hoop this morning. Outside!  It wasn't raining! I will have to post my video later, it hasn't uploaded just yet!


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