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Day 4. The Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Plan

 A typical Portland morning in spring.  A chill in the air. A soft breeze trembles through the leaves on the trees as I gaze out the window. The sliding door is open. I can hear so many birds.  And the skies are a light gray, with some dark, ominous clouds in the distance.

I like these days. My head seems clearer. I breathe deeper.  My first thought as I get moving is that this would be a good day for a run!

But today is a busy day.  And I don't want my route to get boring.  So I am planning on doing some chores at home and then hitting the gym.

This is my evolving plan:

Mon: Gym. Weights (back/biceps), treadmill, crunches and stretching
Tue: 3.43 mile Run/walk on the trail
Wed: Gym. Weights (chest/triceps), treadmill, crunches and stretching
Thu: 3.43 mile Run/walk on the trail
Fri: Gym. Weights (Legs).  Treadmill, crunches and stretching
Sat: Off.
Sun: 3:43 mile Run/walk on the trail.

My goal is to decrease my time on the trail and ultimately run the whole route! Once I can do that, I hope to increase my distance.

I started working out with weights when I was 19 and attending Portland State University. I was so impressed with the results that I joined a gym. So did my younger brother.  I had a workout plan on a card that I tediously checked off. He told me once, "Zita, it's much easier to workout alternate muscle groups. It's what Arnold Schwarzenegger does. Back/biceps one day. Chest/triceps another day. Legs another day."

This stuck with me. Easy to remember!  So I just googled Arnold Schwarzenegger's workout plan. And bingo, there is a site called "Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout Plan on (Dontcha just love the internet?!) Here is the link if you want to check it out:

It is more detailed than what my brother told me over 30 years ago, but still easy to remember.  He works legs and shoulders together. And he has one day devoted to abs. I should do that.  My abs are not my friend.

What I really wanted to say before I went off on the Arnold path, is that I feel better today. Sore, yes.  But stronger. And I feel more centered, calm and balanced. Maybe it is this lovely gray day.  Yes, I am strange.  Sunny days are lovely, but they don't seem to affect my mood and emotions like overcast, moisture hanging in the breezy air, bird chirping days.  Go figure!

I am going to make a nice bowl of cereal with cashew milk, finish my Lady Grey tea and then head to the gym.

Happy Gray Friday!

Peace and Calmness,



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