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Day 112: My Bedtime Story

"The Husband's Secre"t by Liane Moriarty. This evening's bedtime story. 

I awoke about 4:00 a.m. this morning to a rumbling sound. I instinctively put my hands on my belly. I often wake up hungry.  Thought it was my stomach growling.  But then I saw a flash of light. And heard a much big rumble. And then the sweet sound of rain! :) I went out on the deck and breathed it in. Tried to let the dog out. She stood in the doorway and sniffed and then turned around and went back into her kennel.

I lay back down with the window wide open, the fan blowing the sweet smell of rain into my room.  Next thing I knew my cell phone alarm was beeping 7:00 a.m. at me. I almost hit the "snooze" button, but remembered my new resolve to rise earlier.  I tried to jump up and holler "Another day of life!  Carpe Diem!" I just raised my arms and stretched and before I noticed that all was dark.  I tried my light switch. Nothing.  Power outage.

I figured it was the storm this morning.  I was due to meet my mom at 8:30, (which is 8:00 SBT -Standard Blanche Time), so I figured I bettter hustle.  I found a flashlight and hung it on the shower curtain. Took a quick shower, packed my meal and my music books for the day, grabbed my kindle and headed out.

What a wonderful world awaited me. Portland is simply glorious after a good rain.  The scent in the air was divine.  Everything was green and dewy. Even the dark menacing clouds made me smile. And the wind! It was so strong that it blew dry my hair by the time I walked the 15 minutes to the restaurant to meet my mom. So fresh and reviving. 

I am thrilled that our hot spell is receeding.  Bring on the fall!

I had hot tea instead of coffee for breakfast.  In keeping with no dairy, I have to avoid coffee. I prefer my tea black (Earl Gray if you must know!), but I can't handle coffee without cream and sugar.

I ordered gave my toast to my mom.  We had a pleasant breakfast, but I think I am boring her with my diet and exercise tales.  She doesn't believe in the "gluten free craze" and is not about to change her diet. I felt a little annoyed that she would not give me a supportive ear, until I realized she was feeling defensive. I told her that I did not expect her to change her eating, but I just wanted to share mine. 

But I felt a pang of guilt.  She has sat there across from me at breakfast for several years, listening to my newest health plan.  

It is fascninating to me. But perhaps I have become a bore?

I resolve to do more listening and next talking at our next breakfast.  I only have one mother, after all!  And she is still coming to piano lessons every week after breakfast. I am so touched to be teaching my very own mother to play the piano after all of these years. It warms my heart to see how hard she tries, and I am impressed with her progress. This woman practices!

I had a good day overall. I did not really exercise, except for my walk. I plan on some good stretching before bed.  I feel very relaxed.  I am reading a wonderful book that I plan on finishing tonight before I go to sleep.  It's called The Husband's Secret by Jane Moriarty. My daughter recommended it.  And it is just the escape I needed! I highly recommend it.  She has a way of developing her character in such a painfully human way with a touch of humor.  Add a twisted plot that intertwines them all and I was hooked! 

Tomorrow I plan on a long trail walk.  I also need to clean and organize, practice, and meal prep for the week.   I also hope to run up to the music store and purchase some piano music for my students and get some good practicing in. 

I just remembered: I didn't do any bible reading today!  I am going to do that too before bed tonight.  It is already 10:30. Last night I lay down at 11:00, but got lured into my book. I think I didn't actually fall asleep until 1:00. 

I just keep fine tuning this thing called life!

Happy Saturday!!


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