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Year Two, Day 10: Renewing of My Mind

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

Thirty six years ago today Mt. St. Helens erupted. I was a senior in high school.  Living in Vancouver, Washington. I remember the plume coming from the mountain. I remember a bunch of my friends jumping in my boyfriends truck and heading toward the mountain...(We did not get far!) And I remember about an inch of ash on my car the next day.

Life goes by. Faster and faster each day it seems.

Take today for instance. I allowed myself the luxury of laying in bed longer than usual.  I usual go to teach piano in Salem on Wednesdays, but I took today off. I am in Requiem mode. Plus I have an audition for a community chorus accompanist tonight.  I am ready to not be a church pianist.  I really enjoy having a day of rest on Sunday. And attending a church to worship, not work at.

My plan today was to do my normal prayer, bible study in the morning. And then head to the gym. After which I would stop at the grocery store and buy some ingredients for a slow cooker meal. I do so love cooking in my crockpot!  Well, truth be told, the large crockpot belongs to my daughter. Her birthday present. How embarrassing. I am the one the uses it. I am one of those people that buy presents for people with myself in mind!

But I digress.  I lounged around in the morning, praying, planning the next week, cleaning the kitchen. Made some tea. Got hungry. Heating up some leftover "best chili ever" with polenta croutons.

They were amazing, by the way. Look! 

Best Chili Ever with Polenta Croutons

Anyway, the day was getting away from me. And I REALLY wanted to get to the gym. Listen to me!  I think I have a renewed mind.  In the past, I would say I really NEEDED to get to the gym. But lately I have noticed that I get nervous if the day is getting away from me without any exercise!  

I do procrastinate on the piano practice, but I do hope this Mozart Requiem has taught me something about preparation!

I do digress a lot...

So finally, I made my grocery list and headed out the door to the bus stop. But alas, I had just missed the bus. The next one was not due for about 20 minutes. I looked across the street. I could go to the little convenience stoor, or the coffee cart for an iced coffee. And then , BOOM! Thunderbolt! Deja vu!  I remember being in this same situation about a year ago. Early on in my quest for self improvement.  I remember even taking a picture of myself with an iced coffee.

So here I am today.  May 18, 2016. Iced coffee with soy milk and sugar free coconut syrup. Yum!

I had a nice workout on the treadmill at the gym. About 25 minutes. And some stretching. I am walking faster these days. Actually working up a sweat!

Then I headed to the grocery store. On the menu today is cauliflower with cheese sauce, and chicken breasts in a creamy, sherry mushroom sauce. With a big, fat Greek salad on the side.  

The chicken and cauliflower are in separate crockpots. The house smells divine! But I must add, the cooked cauliflower smells like dirty socks, so I have an electric wax diffuser going. Hopefully the apple pie scent will mask the cauliflower. I also have some rice cooking.

I went through my blog and I found the picture at the same bus stop last year. It was taken May 19, 2015. Almost a year ago to the day!  

My memory is not as foggy as I thought!

Here I am at the bus stop drinking iced coffee with rice milk and sugar free vanilla syrup on May 19, 2015:

On that note, I think dinner is ready!

Happy Wednesday!


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