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Year Three, Day 150: Happily Relieved

I woke up most cranky this morning. I got in late last night from Vancouver. I spent three hours watching Baby Grace while my daughter and son-in-law coached a church volleyball game. I always enjoy spending time with Gracie. But I was most anxious at the game yesterday, shielding her little body from flying volleyball. I decided next week to watch Gracie from the safety of her own home!

I was wishing I could pull the covers over my head and stay in bed as I hit the snooze button again and yet again.

Finally I dragged my sorry self out of bed at 9:00 a.m.

I was able to get a short, 5 minute hoop session before trudging the two minute walk across the field to the church office.

I got to the office a few minutes earlier. I was planning a making a big mug of hot, black tea before checking emails. 

But when I got there, the door was unlocked. The lights in the pastor's office were on. And I heard voices.

One of the men of the church heard the door open and poked his head out.

"Oh, Zita!  Come on in! We'd like to meet with you for a few minutes!"

Ugh.  My stomach started to churn.  Were they going to try to talk me into staying on the job?  Or perhaps they had some extra projects for me?  I was not yet awake enough for a meeting.

To buy myself some time, I hollered in cheerfully, "I'll be right in. Need tea!"  I smiled, pointing at my mug. The pastor smiled back, nodding.

That gave me three minutes to breathe and put myself into a good space before our meeting. 

It worked. I took some nice long breaths while my water was heating. Then I grabbed my mug, plopped in a black tea bag and marched into the office.

And lo and behold it was the best meeting ever!

They told me that they appreciated my letter of resignation and were sad to see me go. But they understood me prioritizing time with my granddaughter.  They also heard my few grievances and were looking into ways to improve the system for the next person.

I nodded.  I told them I did not want to leave with bad feelings. That is why I was giving 30 day's notice.

But, then came the best part!

They said church policy was to make a clean break when an employee quit. So I was free to pack up my stuff, leave my church key and head for the hills!

I probably looked surprised.

They were quick to tell me this was not personal, but church policy.

I nodded. Inside I was doing a happy dance! Heck, I was break dancing in my head!

"So, you don't need me to do anything today?" I asked incredulously.

"Nope. Just clean out your desk!" She handed me my check plus and extra week's pay. 

I thanked them. Then I calmly gathered my things.  I was thinking about all the time I was given. I could take my time in the mornings! I could practice piano more! I could spend more time with my daughter and granddaughter!

I had felt pressured and overwhelmed lately.  And God again came through for me. 

The gift of time is not to be taken lightly!

I hope that I use it wisely.

I did stop back into the office and told them that I had kept a running list of my daily chores in the office from my hiring back in January. And that I was just a phone call away if there were any questions.

They were happy to hear this.

And then I exited. For my celebration breakfast at the Wichita Pub!

I have often said that happiness is relief.  And today I am happily relieved!

Note:  I started this blog yesterday. But after a long day teaching, I came home and collapsed
 before I could finish this.

So happy belated Monday to you!



P.S. Here is yesterday's hoop video!  I'll be blogging about today and posting today's hoop video later today.


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