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Day 156: Sheep May Safely Graze

One of my favorite pieces ever. "Sheep May Safely Graze" by JS Bach. I did my yoga listening to this beautiful piece this morning!

So, I made an exciting discovery yesterday. I bought a whole sockeye salmon on sale at Fred Meyer's for only $3.99 a pound! And they cut it into steaks for me. Came home, plopped it on a olive oil greased backing sheet and topped each steak with a thin slice of lemon. Baked for about 20 minutes.


I made some prepacked meals for my week. The OMG fish, some brown rice and broccoli.

I feel silly. I have never bought a whole fish before.  In fact, I often buy frozen fish because I am never sure when I will have time to make it. And then I am disappointed.

It came to $13.00 for a whole fish.  It fed my son and son-in-law dinner last night, three prepacked on the road meals for me, one breakfast (salmon, broccoli and parmesan cheese on grits...yum!) and there is still enough for another meal.

I managed to crawl out of bed with enough time to get a good trail walk in.  Putting my walks as number one priority.  I still need to get to the gym for some strength training. But I did some yoga, plank and crunches while listening to Bach's Cantata #208 (Sheep May Safely Graze). It came in at Number 258 on the 2015 Classic FM Hall of Fame.

Speaking of which, another stellar discovery! Youtube has a "Classic FM Hall of Fame" collection. Here:

You are most welcome!

So, without further adieu, here are this week's stats.  Not much to happy dance about. But I am in this for the long haul.  I hope to see more progress next week since I am working on stepping up the exercise.  I also need to drink more water and less caffeine. I have TMJ syndrome. I'll have to talk about that next time. But I clench my jaw and grind my teeth in response to stress. Caffeine also tends to exacerbate it.

OK. I'm stalling.

Stats: October 12, 2015 
BP: 101/70 
Pulse: 78
Weight: 190 lbs.
Neck: 14"
Chest: 43" 
Waist: 38"
Hips: 45
Thighs: 22
Biceps: 13"
Calves: 15"
Ankles: 9"
So virtually no change here from last week. So the change needs to come from me!  More exercise. More water.  I was going to say no eating in restaurants. But I stopped myself.  I have already cut way back on eating out. Making most of my food at home. I truly enjoy a little time out in public. Usually alone with my book. People watching.  
There is a balance here. I do want to still enjoy life.  Perhaps for this week more exercise, more water, and pack my rice cakes just in case!  
Oh and how about more laughter?! Lord knows we all need more of that!
Happy Monday! :)   


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