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Year Three, Day 291: My Mr. Magoo Day

My eyes popped open at the stroke of 5 this morning. I glanced at my cell phone. I had forgotten to set my alarm. Most alarming!

I had promised my daughter that I would be at her trailer this morning by 8:30 to babysit the Schnood while she goes to a most important work meeting.

Must not be late!

6:53 a.m. Clackamas Town Center Max Station. Sitting on the Max train. It departs in 8 min. What better time to blog?

I am proud of myself. I did not go back to sleep. I got vertical and made my traveling salad, packed and caught the 6:40 a.m. bus. I even had some time to play a few rounds of Words with Friends. That wakes me up faster than a cup of coffee! Especially since I am finally winning most of my games! (With the exception of my son-in-law. I have only beat that rascal once!)

Getting off the Max soon.  Talk later...


I made it to Vancouver exactly on time!  I feel a little foolish for having taking Lyft for so many months when Baby Gracie was first born.  It was beyond my means financially. But in retrospect, my granddaughter was worth it. I was exhausted, from my bronchitis and lack of sleep.

It's only money, right?

But my commute is really quite pleasant.  I took the bus to Clackamas Town Center at 6:40 a.m. Hopped on the Max which left 5 minutes after I arrived.  Transferred at Gateway, after I stopped at the espresso stand.  There was a new barista there. She seemed a little flustered. I asked her what sugar free syrups they had. She bumped around in her little stand for awhile and then told me she only had hazelnut.

I told her I didn't really like hazelnut, so I had her put just one shot of Irish Cream in my soy latte.  With a sprinkle of powdered sugar on top.

"This is really good!" I told her.

She smiled. I sensed that she was stressed out. She told me it was her second day at that stand.  I noticed her scarf. It was black with white skulls on it.

"Cool scarf!" I said.

"Thanks!" She said, brightening and standing up taller.  She seemed happy to talk about something other than coffee. "Kids like it", she smiled.

"My piano students would probably like it", I smiled back.

"Oh! You teach piano! I teach music too!" she squealed.

We talked a bit about music, kids and teaching.  Then I grabbed my hot, sweet drink and headed to my stop.

As I crossed the tracks, I looked up and there was the Max Red Line to the Airport. I literally had a 4 second wait!

I am so glad I took the time to talk to the stressed out barista.  I hope her day went better today!

Have I told you how sometimes I feel like Mr. Magoo?

Well today was such a day.  I stepped on the Max Red line with my coffee, still smiling from my barista encounter.  The next stop was Parkrose Transit Center. I stepped off and walked over the freeway overpass.  I noticed that the Max was quite packed. Thad made me happy.  I love when people take public transportation.

A large group of us walked over the freeway. I glanced down.  Traffic was bumper to bumper. It was about 7:25 a.m. Rush hour. I shuddered.

I headed up to the #65 Parkrose Express stop.  Another Mr. Magoo moment. The bus was due in just 6 minutes.

And right on the dot, there it was! The Parkrose Express is amazing. It takes approximately 10 minutes from the Parkrose Transit Center to Fisher's Landing Transit Center in Vancouver. No stops in between.

I settled down in the plush seats and sighed.  So far so good!

My daughter had asked me to be at her trailer by 8:30 a.m. I got off the Parkrose Express bus and hopped on the #37 Mill Plain. I waited a mere 4 minutes.

I hopped off the bus and walked two blocks. I literally knocked on my daughter's door at 8:30 a.m.!

I am woman, hear me roar!

The Schnood has a bit of a cold. So does my daughter. But she headed to her work meeting. On time. She left me a bottle and had a "Baby Einstein" DVD playing.

Even though Baby Gracie was a bit under the weather, we had a wonderful morning. She did not fuss or whine once!  We watched Baby Einstein, read a few books, did some activities - she likes sitting in her walker now.  She ate and then she put her head on my shoulder. I hummed a song and she instantly feel asleep!

She took a nap on my shoulder for about 40 minutes.

She has never taken a nap without fussing before.

I felt highly honored.

And it made everything in my life seem very small in comparison.

Just when I thought my day could not get any better, my daughter called. She was on her way home and "starving"!

She told me that she was going to feed the Schnood and then take us out to lunch.

We both said, practically in unison, "The Golden Corral!"

My mother told me a few weeks ago that the whole city of Vancouver was looking forward to the grand opening of the Golden Corral.

We had gone online and looked at pictures. It looked like food paradise.

It was!
I was pleased to find a lot of vegetables to fill my plate.  I did indulge in some meatloaf, and a small piece of chocolate cream pie. But otherwise, mostly veggies and chicken.

It was really busy, but I was impressed by their system. They had young people with walkie talkies walking around, ushering people to their tables.

Baby Gracie was in heaven. She loves people watching!

I had packed my mobile salad, but I kept it in my daughter's fridge. It would be perfect for dinner!

After lunch, we headed to Fred Meyer's. I told my daughter she need to make "flu soup" for dinner. Her husband is also sick.

We picked up lemons, chicken stock, garlic, onions, celery, carrots, parsley and a whole chicken.

She cooked the chicken in her Instant Pot with the garlic, onions, celery and carrots. After the chicken was cooked, she boned it and discarded the veggies.  Then she put the stock in the pot and added the lemon juice, salt, pepper, parsley and chicken.

It smelled divine!

I was getting ready to run and catch my bus back to Portland when my daughter's father stopped by for a visit.  He was heading to Portland, so he dropped me off at the Max station.

I was overjoyed to find that I had time for a little workout before my students!

At the end of the evening, I was dragging, however.  The thought of the bus ride and 3/4 mile walk on a cold, dark, rainy night seemed to be more than I could handle. I suddenly felt like I hit a wall.

So I went to Laughing Planet. I ordered a hard cider, chips, salsa and guacamole. I got out my bible, books and prayer journal. And I had a lovely evening decompression time.  I took a deep breath. And felt very thankful for the day.

Then I opened up my Lyft app and ordered a ride home.  It was only $10.

And well worth it. My driver arrived in 3 minutes, in keeping with my Mr. Magoo day. He was a friendly young man who just drives part time for Lyft.  He is busy getting his business off the ground.

He is in the cannabis delivery business.  I got an ear full of the benefits of cannabis and how the government has been brainwashing us to believe that alcohol is safe and cannabis in harmful.

It was really quite interesting.

But I think my one glass of hard cider every few months is about all I can handle. I like a clear head.

Although my new friend says topical cannabis is really great for joint pain!

I think I stick with working out. But I wished him the best in his business endeavor.

And here I am at home again.

After a wonderful Mr. Magoo day!

On that note, I wish you a lovely evening.

Talk to you tomorrow!



P.S. Here is today's hooping video. Day 250!


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