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Year Three, Day 270: Onna-bugeisha

Thursday, February 7, 2018. 10:30 a.m. I've had a lively morning with Baby Gracie so far. She is sleeping much better, thanks to her mama's patient sleep training. And the addition of a bit of baby oatmeal mixed with breast milk at her evening feeding. I have been with her the last several nights. I make sure she also gets her bedtime story, Good Night Moon.

She woke up 8 a.m. in good spirits. We did some baby stretches and read some more books before her mom and dad got up to get ready for work.

Then I fed her, burped her, changed her diaper and we had a nice tummy time session.

She started getting a little fussy, so I put in a "Baby Einstein" DVD and rocked her. She fell asleep almost instantly. It is so lovely rocking a sleeping baby. So I watched her DVD about baby animals before putting her in her crib.

I actually watched the DVD once again while she slept. Baby Einstein is very peaceful. Grace is mesmerized by the DVD's. They have primary colors, music and just a few words. The images on the screen move slowly. I could take a nap too!

But I got up and made a cup of hot cinnamon tea. And made a bowl of oatmeal. Before I ate, I stepped on the scale. Today is weigh in day. My daughter and I are having a weight loss contest. The loser owes the winner a 1 hour massage and lunch. A healthy lunch.

I was pleasantly surprised. I lost 1.6 pounds this week! Even with my binge weekend! My daughter has lost 1 pound, so I am in the lead! Woot Woot!

Living like a Samurai is paying off!

And speaking of Samurais, I discovered that there were female Samurai!  They were called "Onna-bugeisha" which literally means female martial artist. One of the reason s women were trained as warriors was to protect their families during times of war, when no men were present.

I am using this time while Gracie naps to further my study of the Samurai. In addition to female Samurai, I was pleased to learn that the Samurai were quite educated! Read this:

"Bushido {The way of the Samurai} dictated that a samurai strives to better himself in a multitude of ways, including those unrelated to combat. This is why the samurai class participated in a number of cultural and artistic endeavors. Poetry, rock gardens, monochrome ink paintings, and the tea ceremony were common aspects of samurai culture. They also studied subjects such as calligraphy, literature, and flower arranging."

But now I need to run and teach my piano students.

またあした, mata ashita! (See you tomorrow!)



My Samurai lunch!  Roasted root vegetables with a red pepper sauce at Rally Pizza in Vancouver!

P.S. Here is today's hooping video. Day 230! 


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