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Year Three, Day 308, 309 and 310: I'm Back...

...from the brink of death.

Most dramatic am I.  But I feel like I went to hell and back this weekend.

One mistake was to take over the counter medication (Tylenol, Thera-Flu and Ibuprofen) and drink massive caffeine in order to make it through teaching classes on Friday.

I felt really good until early evening. Then it felt like my head was going to explode. My cough returned with a vengeance, dragging along massive sneezing and nose dripping.

Then like a big dummy I downed another mug of Thera-Flu before bed. I didn't even consider cancelling Saturday breakfast with my mom. And definitely could not afford to cancel anymore piano lessons.

Oy, I felt miserable Saturday morning. But I managed to get up and stagger down the road to the bus stop just in time. I was halfway to our regular restaurant before I remembered it was St. Patrick's Day. I looked down at my outfit. Not a speck of my favorite color green. So, before I joined my mom, I stopped at Rite Aid in search of a little green something I could attach to my outfit. And I decided I needed allergy nose spray. I was convinced my symptoms were seasonal.

Green thing and nose spray in tow, I joined my mother. She looked most concerned as I slid into the booth.

"You're sick again!" She declared.

"I think it's just allergies", I managed to croak out between a sneeze and a cough.

"Get a flu shot next year", she said knowingly as she sipped her black coffee.

My day went downhill from there. Think nosedive. Pun intended.

I ended up canceling my last two students. I called them as I huddled, shaking with the chills, trying to sip a cup of hot tea.

The pastor of the Chinese congregation at the church where I teach walked by. He smiled and waved. But I must have looked like a ghostly shadow of myself. He stopped and looked at my with concern. I told him I was a little under the weather and would be leaving early.

He asked my symptoms. He listened thoughtfully. Then he told me he had a Chinese remedy for me to try.

"It might sound a little weird", he chuckled.

"Please tell me", I croaked, sniffled, coughed, sneezed and snorted.

"O.K. Boil Coca-Cola with fresh ginger. Add lemon and sprinkle it with cinnamon. It sounds strange. But it works".

I told him I would try it. Then my last students arrived. I tried to put on a happy face. But I just wanted to lay down on the floor and sleep forever.

As I packed up to leave, the pastor asked if he and his wife could drive me home.

"We're worried about you", he said.

I told him thank you, but I was ok. Plus, I needed to stop at the store.

That one block walk to the corner store felt like miles. Across the desert. I should have accepted their ride. I bought ingredients for the Chinese remedy and yogurt. I had thrown away my soup that I packed for lunch.

I had no appetite.

Big clue. If I have no appetite, I am one sick woman!

I barely made it through the little store. My teeth were chattering. Everything hurt. The bus ride and 3/4 mile walk home were out of the question.

I called Lyft.

I staggered inside, and collapsed on the bed. And proceeded to sleep from about 5 p.m. until 3 a.m.

I woke up burning hot. I was disoriented from many nightmares.

Most of which concerned "Words with Friends". I kept getting all "C's".

It was horrifying.

I got out of bed and drank some water. My heart was racing. I still hurt all over
 I looked at my face in the mirror. My cheeks were bright red!

I took my temperature. It was 101.9!

But no more Tylenol for me. I was worried I had overdosed on OTC meds.

I drank more water and got back in bed. And proceeded to sleep until noon.

I woke up again, drenched in sweat. My fever had broken at last.

I remembered the Chinese remedy. I boiled the Coke with a piece of ginger. Then I added a splash of lemon juice. Finally, I sprinkled some cinammon on top.

I crawled back in bed and sipped my drink. It tasted good to my parched throat. I was still not hungry. And still very sleepy.

So back to bed went I.

I woke up again about 5 p.m. feeling much better. Still tired. Still achy. But cold and cough gone. So I through on some sweats and sneakers and staggered to the corner store. I picked up some orange juice, and more yogurt.

Then I rented a DVD. "Lady Bird".

And back home I shuffled.

The trip home seemed to take forever. I was started to feel pekid again. But I just kept putting one foot in front of the other.

Soon I was back in bed. I sipped my juice and nibbled a rice cake topped with tuna.

I put the DVD in.

I loved the movie.

I lay awake, thinking afterwards. Not about the movie. About my life. Particularly about my eating. I felt a sense of freedom.

Without an appetite, I was not so interested in food. My lifelong love affair came screeching to a halt.

I made a vow to put this in writing so I would not forget.

I essentially fasted from eating for 25 hours.

Not my preferred method of weight loss, but I woke up 4 lbs lighter this morning and almost 100% healed!

I am getting tired now. I will have to continue tomorrow.

It is good to be back. I have missed you!

Talk to you tomorrow.



P.S. I managed to hoop this morning! Day 266!


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