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Year Three, Day 93: Something to Celebrate!


I could hardly wait to get outside this morning.  I chose to hoop near the playground structure, so my phone wouldn't get wet as I recorded. I set my phone in it's little holder on the top step of the slide. There is a little overhang conveniently built over the step, so I was able to hoop in the slight drizzle!

How fresh the air was!

It felt like I was inhaling new life.

My heart is still heavy after the news of the violence in Charlottesville, VA last night. I swore to stay off of social media because it raises my blood pressure. It is like hearing thousands of screaming voices in my brain with hateful opposing views, all claiming they are RIGHT.

But I couldn't resist.

I'm glad I did. Some of my friends are pastors. I found a deeply moving post by one of my pastor friends. She actually posted her sermon for today.  It cut to the core. Another pastor friend said he was going to do a live video of him conducting a Taize service. I have yet to see it, but I have sung Taize music in various churches. Deeply spiritual and peaceful.

I also read about the young woman who was killed when the car plowed her down as she was marching in counter protest of the white supremacist rally.

I made myself go slowly, and seek the peaceful, loving, thought provoking posts. Not the angry, blaming, judgmental, shallow knee jerk posts. 

I feel a bit better now.

I also attended the little church I usually go to.  It was comforting to be in a group of believers who believer in prayer, praise and diligent bible study. 

And as usual, after a tragedy, as I traveled about town on public transit, people seemed to be kinder to each other.

Our pastor talked about the world a bit. He said in prophecy, in the Bible, things are predicted to get worse before they get better. I have heard this before.  This is why I have faith. I believe that as a follower of Jesus, I will be saved from this corrupt, violent world.  I am not afraid. But I am so very sad everytime I see the evidence of cruelty and evil. 

It sends me to my knees. Which is a good position for prayer!

I am going to keep this short today. My heart and soul are bruised.

But I will keep on loving and being peaceful. I will keep following a savior who preaches peace and love. And humility.

Happy Sunday my friends!

Talk to you tomorrow...I am thankful for each tomorrow we are given!



PS Today was Day 59 of hooping. That means tomorrow is Day 60, aka TWO WHOLE MONTHS OF DAILY HOOPING. That is something to celebrate!


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