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Year Three, Day 94: Music Therapy, Two Different Eyeballs and a Pina Colada Smoothie!

Today is Day 60 of my daily hooping adventure.

Two whole months! And I do not intend to stop! It is what gets me out of bed in the morning!

And believe me, it was difficult getting out of bed this morning!

I popped up wide awake at 1:30 a.m. And against my better judgment reached for my phone. And opened Facebook. much anger, hostility, violence, drama!

I want to be involved. I want to pray and help where I can. But the internet is like a tornado of whirling garbage.

I finally put down my phone and tossed and turned. Turned and tossed.

So, most cranky was I this morning!  But I grabbed my hoop, slipped on my sneakers and headed to the track. And just the act of carrying on revived me. A bit.

I did a rather short hoop session, so that I would not be late for my office job. I plan on heading to the gym today before lunch with my daughter.

My roommate is home. So Squire the dog is in good hands. I spent much time with him over the past two weeks, especially in the midst of the heat wave.  I was worried about that guy.  He drank copious amounts of water and seemed distressed. I think he was having seperation anxiety.  He seemed much happier this morning.  And now I can get back to my normal routine.

I need much strength training.

I've also felt the renewed call to start running.  Yesterday I walked to the grocery store in the early evening. The buses do not run on our street on the weekend, so I usually stop at the store before doing the 3/4 mile walk home.  But I got home early yesterday.

I had a new smoothie recipe I wanted to try, from my Wheat Belly 30 Minute or Less Cookbook, by Dr. William Davis.  It has crushed pineapple, unsweetened coconut flakes, and kefir in it. It calls for a bit of Stevia sweetener. I had bought some Stevia for some chocolate fat bombs I made last week. I am not fond of the taste of Stevia. But Stevia is one of the "compliant" sweeteners on this eating plan.  Alas, it is too sweet for me. Especially now that I have effectively cut almost all added sugar from my diet. So my plan was to try the smoothie unsweetened.

Anyway, I set out for my walk.  Over a mile. It felt good. It was a perfect summer evening. Not too hot. Lovely breeze. As I walked, I thought, "I am ready for the next level."

So this week I am going to do some running with my walking.  Afterall, I live next door to a running track!

Speaking of track, I feel like I need to get back on track. Back to my peaceful center.  Feeling a little off.  Maybe it's the state of this world.  Maybe I need to drink more water.  I also need to get some good piano practice in. I have a church I am playing for (subbing for their regular pianist) at the end of the month. And I am subbing for the pianist of Portland Chamber Group for a small neighborhood concert in North Portland in October.

Plus, with the way the bottom fell out of my summer with students, my bank is depleted. I'm considering doing a concert next month. Raise some money for a car to go visit my grandbaby. Plus, making these performance goals, helps me get on track with my piano practice. It's been sorely neglected lately!

Music therapy is what I need!

On that note, (pun intended), I wish you a happy Monday, free of unnecessary stress and turmoil - really, is it every necessary?

Talk to you tomorrow!

Love and Music!


Speaking of off, my daughter has pointed out that sometimes my eyes look different.  She wondered if I had a stroke?! lol!
They DO look different!~ Maybe it's when I'm feeling a bit bipolar?  Or is it the trick of light. I"ll ask her at lunch if my eyes look different.  Weird!

P.S. Here is my Day 60 hooping. I have no idea why it came out so dark. But it's kind of cool. It's almost like my hoop and sneakers are glowing!

P.P.S:  The "Pina Colada" smoothie was da bomb!  I used just a tiny squirt of Stevia, because it was lip puckering sour.  Then it was the perfect blend of tartness and a hint of sweet.  My poor distressed tummy was very happy.  I made another one this morning!


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