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Day 206: His Cold Hands Warmed My Grumpy Heart.

Matthew 25:40
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

A 6:45 a.m. workout, free coffee from Taco Bell and Mass- and my day has just begun!

Last night I was waiting for the bus to connect me to the bus that would take me to my final family of piano students. Two brothers, 8 and 10 years old. Very musical and fun to teach. However, I was getting grumpy, cold and wet. I hadn't packed an umbrella and it had begun to rain. Plus one of my boots sprung a leak. Even with my thick, wool socks, my left foot was soaked.

I had visions of hypothermia.

Thankfully I only had a 6 minute wait. Plus, there was a convenience store a few feet away. So I sloshed on over and bought myself a small bag of comfort. Mixed nuts never tasted so good! I poured a cup of chai tea from my thermos and enjoyed my snack. 

The bus seemed to magically appear as I finished the last nut. I had saved the Brazil nut for last. If I were an atheist, I think a Brazil nut would convince me that God exists. No big bang could create this morsel of sumptuous perfection. Yes. I love me a Brazil nut!

But I digress.

I hopped on the bus. It was so warm and toasty. I was just starting to thaw out when we reached my next destination. The bus stop in front of the Hawthorne Fred Meyer store. I hopped off, sinking right into a puddle of ice cold water. I groaned as I felt the frigid water seep into my frozen left foot. Then as I looked up, I noticed my connecting bus. I frantically tried to flag him down, as he merrily sped by, splashing me with yet more water.


I wanted to spew profanity. But I took a deep breath and remembered I had chocolate Greek yogurt in my bag to go with the rest of my tea.

I started to rummage through my bag when I noticed an elderly, tall, bearded, very cold looking gentleman shuffling my way, pushing a cart filled with a mountain of soda and beer cans. He smiled at me and started fumbling with the zipper of his sweater. His hands were swollen, red and trembling.

He said, "My arthritis is so bad..."

He smiled apologetically. I told him I had an extra pair of gloves I wanted to give him.

"It is so cold", I explained.

His eyes lit up. "Oh that would be so kind!"

I fished out my last pair of gloves. They were bright green. I helped him put them on. I asked him if I could help him zip up his sweater.

"Yes, please", he smiled. 

So right there, on SE Hawthorne, in the freezing rain, in my soggy boots, I zipped up the sweater of a sweet, old man. I put the hood over his head. He had an old coat in his cart. I helped him put that on top and gave him a little hug.

"Is that better"? I asked. I felt like I was tucking one of my kids into bed.

I felt like I should say a prayer or something in parting. But instead, he blessed me.

He looked into my eyes, with a humble, sincere smile of gratitude and said "God bless you sister"

 And then he shuffled off into the night.

My heart felt like it would explode right there. Tears came and so did my next bus.

There are no coincidences when God wants to show you the power of loving compassion.

Today I am adding another item to my daily list.

Number 8: Show compassion and help others.


  • Daily Mass
  • Daily Exercise
  • Daily Music Practice
  • Daily Blog
  • Daily Prayer
  • Daily Cleaning
  • Daily healthy eating with fasting between 8 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.
  • Show compassion and help others.

  • Happy Tuesday!

    Be blessed.

    P.S. I made it to the gym at 6:45 am this morning. It felt invigorating to workout so early. I stopped at the Taco Bell near church for a pre-Mass cup of coffee. The young man poured me a cup and said, "Here you go, Miss. This is on me!"

    After Mass I gave my coffee money to the homeless man sleeping under a blanket on the church steps. He smiled and my heart burst yet again!

    Love is still alive and well in this world!



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