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Year Three, Day 121: Strong

I had a glorious, uninterrupted sleep last night. In my own bed. I didn't open my eyes until I heard a ping on my cell phone telling me a text message had come through.

It was my daughter sending me a picture of Baby Grace. It turns out, after our sleepless night Friday night, with Grace waking up about every 30 minutes to an hour screaming like a wild banshee, that my daughter and my granddaughter figured out that thing called breastfeeding.

And she slept 4 straight hours!

What a relief!

I've got baby duty this afternoon.

I am waiting at the Jamba Juice at Cascades Station for my son-in-law to pick me up. With a divine pumpkin smoothie. Feeling calm and quite blessed. All the planning and worrying is over. Baby is here. And she is in good hands.

We've got a fantastic transportation system worked out.  On the weekends it's a bit more time consuming. The bus that stops right in front of the church where I work and live next door to, does not run on Saturdays and Sundays. So I have a 3/4 mike walk. But I've learned to find the positive in every situation.


So, this morning, I did a load of laundry while I hooped.  So happy to get my hoop back on!

Then I had a lovely 3/4 mile walk to the corner gas station, across from the bus stop. Got a lovely cup of steaming black coffee. But, today feels like a creamer day. I added caramel macchiato creamer.

It is a gorgeous day. Sun is shining through a blue sky, with scattered puffy, white clouds. It is only about 68 degrees. No scent of smoke that I can detect.

I walked happily across the street with my steamy hot cup of goodness. I had only a 7 minute wait. Perfect for enjoying my coffee and breathing the fresh air!

I had the forethought to pack some snacks for the journey. The plan was for my mom and I to meet at my daughter's. We'd take turns holding Baby while my daughter and her husband run errands.

My bus pulled up. I got comfortable and pulled out a package of raisins.

Let me tell you, I can't remember enjoying a raisin so much. My eating routine has been quite altered lately. I am pleased to see food is no longer a priority.

My new grandbaby is. I smiled, chewing thoughtfully. A young lady sitting a few seats in front of me turned around and said loudly, "I like your shirt!"

I thought she was talking to someone behind me.

She said it again, louder. Looking at me.

"Oh!", I said. "Thank you! I didn't realize you were talking to me!"

"What does it say?", she asked.

I had to look down. I could barely remember what day it was. Much less what clothes I was wearing.

"Strong", I said. "I have to keep reminding myself of that".

"Amen!", said a young man behind me.

I suddenly felt goosebumps.

"I am strong", I thought to myself.

I come from a long line of strong women.

And our legacy continues...

Happy Sunday!

Talk to you tomorrow.




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