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Year Three, Day 112: Like Snoopy! Love the Babies!

Yesterday was a very good day.  After my day of self pity.

Everyone needs a poor me day once in awhile, right?

But I am determined to lose my Eeyore persona.  I have recently told my family and friends that I prefer Snoopy to Eeyore.  Laying on top of his dog house, contemplating life, dancing with joy...

I love Snoopy!

So back to my good day.  I did my time at my church office job. Then I took the bus up to my favorite Starbucks. I ordered two unsweetened iced teas. One for me. One for my pregnant daughter. Who was meeting me after her doctor's appointment.

I had packed my tupperware container full of healthy snacks for us. She arrived, all glowing a few minutes after I sat down. We sipped our iced teas and ate from my snack container and planned our day.

We decided we did not need to do much food prep as we had previously planned.  She bought herself an "Instapot" and found it cooked food so fast and efficiently, that she didn't really need to prep like she did with crockpot meals. We reasoned that we could always do some massive freezer meal prep before she went back to work.

Her doctor told her if she did not go into labor before September 15th, they would induce.  So, priority for our afternoon was rest and relaxation. And much walking.

So to the mall we went!

I had not been to Vancouver Mall since I was a teenager. So it was a bit surreal! We walked all over the  Mall, stopping at JC Penny's to find her a fluffy bathrobe and nightgown for her maternity bag.  I also have not shopped at JC Penny's in many moons. We had been searching for a plush, fluffy robe for several weeks, but hadn't found one. We wandered up to the clearance racks at Penny's, and low and behold...FLUFFY, PLUSH ROBES!

Better still, on sale. $9!

We also found a loverly, cotton nightgown.

And some new workout shorts for me!

My daughter is a master at sales, after ringing up her purchase, including coupons, the cashier said in amazement, "You just saved $108!"

I will be going back to JC Penny's in the future!

We floated out of the store and had a nice lunch.  I am no longer afraid to eat in public. I know exactly what I can and cannot eat.  I had broccoli beef, and chicken curry. My daughter had rice, sesame chicken and noodles.

After lunch we walked some more. We decided after our walk to reward ourselves with a small dish of frozen yogurt. Eaten in a massage chair. The massage chairs at Vancouver Mall were only $5 for 20 minutes.  I behaved myself and had only fresh fruit, nuts and unsweetened coconut on my coconut frozen yogurt.

We passed the movie theater with our yogurt, on the way to the massage chairs. I told my daughter next time we came to the mall, we should watch a movie. Because we probably wouldn't be able to do that for awhile after Baby Grace arrives.

She said that would be fun.

We found our massage chairs, inserted our money and sat down to enjoy our frozen yogurt. My daughter said she was going to take a bit of a nap.

I couldn't relax. I had begun to obsess.

About movie theaters. I have had this recurrent panic attack regarding movie theaters. It has to do with early programing. Ever since I was young, my memories of the movie theater included a tub of popcorn with extra butter and a soda.  My first job ever was in a movie theater. On our breaks we got free popcorn (extra butter on mine!).  I can still smell that horrible movie popcorn.

Popcorn is one of my binge triggers.  I can't imagine going to see a movie in a theater without popcorn.

Now, being grain free, I am at a loss. I had seen a post in the 10-Day Grain Detox Facebook group I belong to. A woman was asking what she could eat in a movie theater. There were many enthusiastic replies:

"Pork Rinds!"
"You don't have to eat anything!"

All of them made my heart race.  A movie without popcorn?!  Unheard of!

I started feeling quite restless. My daughter opened an eye and peered at me.

"Mom, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Enjoy your nap", I mumbled.

She opened both eyes and raised and eyebrow.

I sheepishly told her about my obsession about watching a movie without popcorn.

By the time I had explained it all, with were both howling with laughter.

First of all, I do not NEED to go to a movie theater.  My life is filled with wonderful relaxing moments.  I can watch a movie at home, or with my daughter for free!

I do not NEED to eat while watching a movie. Currently I do not eat while watching television. I stop eating food every night at 7 p.m., and don't usually watch much tv. When I do, it usually the news or the occasional movie late at night.

If we decided to go to the theater, I could eat BEFORE the movie.

If I really want to eat during the movie, I could pack my tupperware container with foods I enjoy, that are not off limits to me.

My pulse slowed down. I had a plan.

But it made me curious about programing. I am so PROGRAMED to have a tub of buttered popcorn on my lap in the movie theater. I do not want to go back to that binge mentality. And my health has improved so much since removing grains, I would like to stay on this path.

So I am now imagining sitting in the movie theater with just a bottle of water.

Feeling free.  Not eating mindlessly.  The new me!

And I think it is absolutely imperative that I do this. To replace the old, weak me with the new empowered me!

Speaking of which, I just returned from downtown. I visited the Multnomah County Health Services Communicable Diseases Clinic.

Got my TDap shot.  It is required for anyone caring for a newborn baby. Which I shall be doing soon!

Since I am on the Oregon Health Plan, it was free. But I had to go downtown.

Which was an absolute breeze. I took Max the whole way.

I really enjoy my wandering lifestyle. Yesterday, after the mall, my daughter had a planning meeting at her church. She dropped me off at the nearby Starbucks. I was filled with this overwhelming feeling of joy.  I can go anywhere! I have a Starbucks app on my phone. Almost every city in this country has a corner Starbucks. I sat with my iced tea, feeling quite pleased with  myself.

After her meeting, my daughter picked me up and drove me to the Parkrose Transit Center. She then went to pick up her husband from work. I got on the bus and headed out to see my son. I had received his birth certificate in the morning.

I met him and his girlfriend at Subway for a light dinner. Did you know you can have any Subway sandwich made as a salad?  Yup, I did that!  Gave him his birth certificate. He told me he has an interview at the corner gas station today.  I hope he gets the job. It would be convenient to walk next door to work! I know. I have a 2 minute walk from home to my church job 4 mornings a week.

I am feeling so much better about life today.  I am actually thankful that I do not own a car, or have a mortgage.  I like being able to hop on a bus or train, or have a family member pick me up and be there to help out.

My daughter and her husband have a little rocking chair on their porch.  They put it outside to make way for their new "glider" rocker for mom and baby.  I told them to keep the rocking chair on the porch. That will be my spot!

Kind of like Snoopy. A place to lie back and ponder.

Except soon I will be holding a new baby while I do!

I can't think of a better way to end this blog.

So, on that note, I wish you a very happy Friday!

Talk to you tomorrow,



p.s. Today was Day 78 of my Daily Hooping Experiment. I hooped to the sunrise (I had to catch the Max downtown for my shot early).  I like hooping to the sunrise! :)

pps:  I am at my library office. The lady sitting next to me is about  my age. The cutest little boy, maybe 1 year old, just ran up to her and jumped in her lap. She was hugging him as he giggled. She put him down and told him to run to his daddy. I smiled at her. "He's adorable", I said. "I am having baby fever. My first granddaughter is due any day now".

She smiled back, and said "You've got to love the babies!"

I agree!



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