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Year Three, Day 136: Day 100 Hooping! It Must Be the Hoop!

Sleep is the best medicine.

I am quite sore this morning. But I feel rested.

And I started the day on the right foot. In Joyce Meyer's book, The Mind Connection, she suggests starting your day saying positive things.  It is basically a positive thinking book with a strong biblical message. The reason I am reading it is that I have been on this path for sometime. I had a moment of clarity once in a counseling session. I wasn't fond of the counselor. But I remember telling him about some negative thoughts. He had his hand on his chin, looking ponderous. He asked me to tell him more. He seemed bored. Disconnected.

And then boom! Light bulb! I sat up straight in my chair and said,
"I just realized I do not have to follow my thoughts!"

He arched an eyebrow.  "Tell me about that..."

I do not recall the conversation after that. We did not bond.

But I do remember my light bulb moment.

So when I stumbled across a Joyce Meyer program on television one night, and her talking about how we control our thoughts. How we could CHOOSE happiness, I got on the internet and ordered her book and workbook. I was so happy when they arrived in time for my weekend in Vancouver with grandbaby.

This is an affirmation that Joyce Meyer recommends saying every morning. I like it. I might add to it. But it has already helped me keep my chin up!  I typed it up and made some copies. I already gave one to my friend, "J, the Sign Ninja!"  One I will put on my desk in the office. One I will tape to the bathroom mirror. One, I will keep with me at all times. I might make some extra copies to hand out. J was so pleased with his, he shot a picture with his phone and put it up on Facebook!


By Joyce Meyer
(From The Mind Connection: How the Thoughts You Choose Affect Your Mood, Behavior and Decisions
  1. "This is the day God has made, and I am going to enjoy it!"
  2. "I can handle whatever comes my way today through Christ Who is my strength!"
  3. "Today, I am energetic and creative!"
  4. "I have favor with God and man everywhere I go!"
  5. "I enjoy being a blessing to others!"
  6. "I am thankful for all that God has done for me!"
  7. "God is working on my problems, and I can wait patiently because His timing is perfect!"

I firmly believe in the power of repetition. And with all the negativity floating around, I need to reprogram my brain to think positively. I need to do this every day!

I am most proud to report that I put my positive thinking into action yesterday. In fact, my whole weekend was an application of my "training".  I helped my daughter with laundry, with cleaning, with holding the Baby Burrito.  She kept asking if she was asking me to do to much. I realized I had an abundance of energy! I told her that actually helping her was easier than my normal life. Usually I walked 2 miles a day with a heavy backpack on my back, sometimes even carrying my hoop and a bag of groceries too! I started my day with a hula hoop workout. I worked in an office 3 hours a day, 4 days a week.  Then I put on backpack and hoofed it to the nearest bus stop, traveling to teach piano, stopping on breaks at the library to blog, sometimes stopping at the Music Center to practice piano, often ending up at the gym, (usually for a bit of stretching, hot tub and shower).

Helping my daughter and the Burrito was a piece of cake compared to my usual day!  I felt free not having to lug my backpack around!

And yesterday, I got to apply looking at the bright side in a very real manner.  After church with my daughter, son-in-law and the Burrito, they took me to lunch. Red Robin. I had a burger on a gluten free bun and garlic fries. (Side note, I was dreading stepping on the scale this morning.  I had quite a whirlwind of recreational eating this weekend! But I was pleased. I only gained 2 pounds since last weigh in! It must be the hoop!)

After our lunch, my son-in-law wanted to watch the Titans play the Seahawks (Big Mariota fan is he!) He promised he would drive me over to the Cascades Max Station at half time.  So while he watched the first quarter, my daughter and I took the Burrito for a walk around the neighborhood. These days, whenever I can get a good walk in, I jump on it! I would have preferred a nap, but I know that I NEED that walk!

She received a Cadillac of a baby stroller as a gift at one of her baby showers. This stroller is amazing. The car seat came with it. The car seat clicks into a base in the car, and in the stroller.  Very easy to navigate!

 We got back to their little trailer right when half time was about to start. My son-in-law jumped up and drove me across the bridge.

I had a lovely iced tea and time with my book before my cell phone rang. It was my son. I often ride the bus out to Parkrose to visit with him on Sundays.  He was hoping I would come see him.  I told him that would be nice. I was about to hop on Max.  Parkrose was the next station after Cascades Station.  Then it would be just one bus ride to their neighborhood.

So I grabbed hitched my backpack on my back, grabbed my hoop and hopped on the Max.  I met my son and his girlfriend at the Subway near their apartment. We had a nice time visiting. I showed them pictures of the Burrito.  My son told me about his new job. His girlfriend showed me the earrings she was making.

I showed them my hoop!  They couldn't believe I had traveled all the way to Vancouver and back, with my hula hoop! I told them I had to! It was my healthy addiction. Today was day 99 of daily hooping!

As they walked me to my bus stop, I asked if they wanted to try it out.  My son's girlfriend took it for a spin. She got it going around a few times, but had to stop. It is weighted. She is a slender young lady. She said it was hurting her belly button ring.

Then I handed it to my son. He had a harder time. I tried to coach him, but I think perhaps hula hooping with one's mom in the parking lot of Subway on a busy street in Parkrose was a tad embarrassing.

He asked me if it collapsed so it would be easier to carry. I absent mindedly said it did, but was hard to do. I did not explain to him, that you had to take off the rubber padding and TWIST it to break it down. Before I could bat an eyelash, my son pressed down on my hoop, really hard!

Time seemed to stand still. I didn't have time to stop him.

It snapped in two!

We all stared at my poor hoop, now in two pieces on the ground. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart.  I wanted to cry.

But I saw my son's face. I think he was trying to collapse it, perhaps like a baby stroller?

"I'm sorry, Mom!" He looked devastated.  That hurt even more than seeing my poor broken hoop.

I told him it was ok. I know he didn't mean to do it.

His girlfriend jumped in and saved the day. "Super glue!" She ran off to the corner store, my son sheepishly in tow. She bought a tub of super glue and brought out some packing tape. We managed to patch it together.

My heart still hurt. I kept thinking how tomorrow would be day 100, and I wasn't going to be able to hoop.

My son looked sorrier than he ever has in his life. Which actually warmed my heart. It makes a mom proud to see that her adult child has a conscience. I hugged him goodbye just as the bus pulled up.

And of course, the bus driver, a woman about my age was fascinated with a hoop carrying granny getting on her bus. So we had a lively conversation. I didn't tell her that my hoop was mortally wounded. I just told her how I had been hooping daily for 99 days.  And that as a teacher, I tell my students to practice daily, even if it is for 10 minutes. Because we learn through repetition. She was most impressed!

I decided just then, as tired as I was, I need to go soak in the hot tub at the gym. I felt like I was practically crawling by the time I got off the Max. My backpack seemed to weigh a ton. And I was holding my hoop gingerly to keep it together. I stopped a the Target by the gym and bough some purple sparkly duct tape, checked in at the gym and taped my hoop lovingly together. And since I was alone in the locker room, I took it for a spin.

It stayed together!

I sat in the hot tub with a sigh of relief. Not only would I make it to day 100, I had put positive thinking into action. I did not get mad at my son. I did not blame him, or throw a fit over something broken.

He called later to check on me. And to apologize again. By that time I had gotten home and ordered a new hoop from Amazon. It will arrive Wednesday. AND they are having a sale. $10 less than my beloved injured hoop. Now I will have a spare! I can keep one at my daughter's house.

I told my son I had repaired it. And I had ordered a new one.

"And besides", I told him. "You can replace THINGS, but you cannot replace people!"

"I know", he said. "Love  you, Mom".

I cannot think of a better note to end this blog on.

Happy Monday!

Talk to you, tomorrow.



And here it is, my day 100 video!  100 days of daily hooping!  WOOT WOOT!


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