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Year Three, Day 125: Have Hoop, Will Travel

It is 3:55 a.m. I had a nightmare. I can't recall the details, but my heart is pounding. I was thinking about yesterday's events again.

I took a deep breath. Said a prayer for everyone in my life. Even the ones who hurt me. It is tempting to curse them. But that is not how I roll.  Jesus tells me to love them. ALL of them.

I thought about my granddaughter, my daughter, my son.I reminded myself to focus on the good and the love. I dozed back to sleep, feeling calmer. And grateful.

It is now 2:55 p.m.. I have had a stellar day so far! I am having a Skinny Pumpkin Frappacino (low sugar, almond milk) at Starbucks before I go to teach a group of wonderful boys, all of whom are at various levels of piano blues improvisation!

They are all on the same block, in fact they live right across the street from each other. Four boys, ages 7 through 14. Thursday is one of my favorite teaching days.

Notice that I have my hoops amongst my bags.
After I am done teaching, I am hopping on the Max towards Vancouver. To spend two nights with the BABY BURRITO!  And my daughter, mother and son-in-law too. :)

I can't wait. I am having BB withdrawals!

I am bringing my hoop, because I have a mild hula hoop addiction. I can't go a day without!

Here is me on day 89 this morning:

My day at the office was sublime.  Everyone that walked in was pleasant.  And I'm sure they left with a smile on their faces. Because they all asked about my granddaughter. At which points I whipped out photos galore. I love showing her off. I hope I have not become too boring. But people tend to gravitate towards happy people. Even if they are boring!

My antagonist did not appear, thankfully.  I am praying for her and hope our next meeting will be kinder. But I'm ok with a break.

I actually like my office job when the people are nice.

And the icing on the cake? My boss told me yesterday that she is signing me up for an online computer class through Clackamas Community College to brush up on my word processing skills.

She had me at online class. I LOVE taking classes! I was practically jumping up and down!

I am half way through piano blues class I have been taking through Rochester University, a free course through Coursera. I can opt to buy a certificate for $50 at the end for proof if I desire.

I love the course. It is a bit deep at times. We are getting into jazz chords.  But brain pain is good.

Speaking of pain, and on a more somber note, I just read that North Korea unleashed another missile over Japan. The Japanese are on alert.  This is so frightening.

I have begun reading a book about Christians in North Korea. It is a very dangerous existence for them.  I was struck by the following statement in the introduction:

'"How can we pray for North Korean Christians?"...They answered, "Pray for us? We pray for you!?
When we asked why, they replied, "Because Christians in the West still have some wealth and freedom and power. Most have not yet experienced what it is like when all you have in life is God."'
(These are the Generations, Mr. and Mrs. Bae, as told to the Rev. Eric Foley.

It reminded me of my revelation of my "thorn" yesterday.  If we are so immersed in our worldly, selfish, materialistic lives, how can we feel the need to depend on God?  It is interesting how, in times of disaster, natural or man-made, people pray.

But I want to challenge myself to pray everyday. Even when things are going well.

I prayed this morning. And when I read about the newest missile launched by North Korea, I stopped everything and prayed.

It has become a part of my life.

One of my favorite saints has always been St. Francis of Assisi. This was a man  known for his walk with the animals. But more than that, he walked his talk. I admire that.

Francis of Assisi said, "It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching."

I do not have much more time to write. I have to run to my piano blues boys. And then off to see the Burrito!

But, before I go, I want to wish you a happy Thursday!  May you be blessed and our world become a safer place for all.




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